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Terms and Conditions


Welcome to (hereinafter, “the website,” “our website”). The following terms and conditions govern your use of our website. Please read them carefully before using the services provided by Restaurants Near Me Now.

Limitations of Information

  • The information provided on our website is sourced from various public databases and may be incomplete or outdated.
  • We do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or availability of the information provided.
  • Information about restaurant addresses, phone numbers, and websites may be incomplete or outdated.
  • Information about restaurant prices, opening hours, and contact details may not be accurate.
  • Reviews and ratings may not be reliable.


Restaurants Near Me Now is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred due to reliance on the information provided on our website. Users should use the information at their own risk and are advised to verify it with other sources before taking any action.

Tips for Safe Usage

  • Verify the information provided on Restaurants Near Me Now with other sources before taking any action.
  • Be cautious about the information you provide to Restaurants Near Me Now.
  • Do not use Restaurants Near Me Now for making critical decisions, such as choosing a place to dine for important occasions.


This Terms and Conditions document may be updated at any time. Users are advised to consult the most recent version on our website.


For any questions related to these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at: